Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Farmer's Wife Quilt Update

Farmer's Wife Quilt
Block number 42: Fruit Basket
Progress is being made and I am happy! This is not a really difficult block to stitch up but there are 28 pieces that needed to be placed. And each of those pieces are small! This finished block is 6 and one half inches square!
There are quite a few half square triangles in this!! I did the HST method I like best.
I cut the fabric (the pattern will call for a triangle, I just measure the length and width needed and cut a square) needed into two matching squares, drew a line down the middle, sew just to the side of the line, then trim the seam to a 1/4 being sure to cut on the side of the line that has the stitching.
I do it this way for a couple of reasons. First, it is so hard to keep a triangle from not stretching while you sew it! Bad bad bias edges! But, by keeping the fabrics as squares sewing it will keep the firmness in place and give me a near perfect piece. Second, I like to sew just to one side of the drawn line. This helps with keeping the seams accurate. It is hard to believe really but just that little bit of fabric you gain or lose will make a world of difference in the final block size. And since these finish at 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 you don't have a lot of wiggle/stretch room to play with.
I will also maintain that I may be going about this totally wrong and please feel free to completely disregard my version...but this works perfectly for me :)
Block number 39: Friendship

I have really let this project sit on the sidelines of late. Not that I don't enjoy making these blocks but it was an out of sight out of mind kind of thing.

I had originally thought that I would make a plan to do one or two blocks a week. This plan has proven to be unattainable. So, my new plan is one a month :) With any extras as super bonus!!

Here is the one I chose to complete for this month. I just love it! The colors go so well in my mind and they will also be the fabrics I use for my February Sugar Block Club quilt. Or so I hope...well, not having actually seen what the block will look like this is a really big maybe, but that's my plan anyhow :).
Here is the stack so far...really beginning to add up! I don't have an exact count of what I have done but I am sure I am somewhere in the 70's with 111 total blocks to be done.
One of my next plans of attack for this quilt is to decided on finishing fabrics. There will be corner stones, setting triangles (this quilt is set on point blocks), and sashing strips.
My color selections for the blocks are so all over the place that I don't really have an easy or obvious color to use. This decision is one of those that is always floating around in my head and will at some point finally come to the point of fabric purchase :)
And look who is keeping my chair warm while I do all this block sewing and blogging :) My Rosie Snow is such a helpful puppy!

Time for me to get back to hand quilting that grandmothers flower garden quilt!!
Happy sewing,
Melodee :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Baby It's COLD outside!

Here in Michigan the weather has turned very bitter cold! the words Artic seriously come to mind! We are generally well prepared for the winter months, but this cold spell is beyond what we are used to.
I do plan to keep the kiddo's and dog indoors but if we do need to venture out it will be necessary to have the proper equipment.
The one thing I see as lacking in our winter preparedness is a nice hat/face mask contraption.
I am scanning the internet looking for some ideas to create such a thing from what ever I happen to have on hand. And possibly a fabric store trip to buy some fleece.
So far I have found the hat part that I feel will work well. I have two choices.
First up is one I have made many many of already is the Snowy Day Hat by See Kate Sew.
Second, I like this one too from The Crafty Gemini.
But, I am not completely sold on this idea. I am also liking the idea of a ski hood as well. Oh the design decisions haha!

Next I need to find the face mask part of this contraption.
I did a Google search for "face mask pattern" and this little gem came up from Craft Passion. It is a pattern to make a face mask, like the one doctors wear :) not sure this is going to help me make this hat but it's a good resource to have...just in case.
My images search has led me to believe that I could make a fleece tube that had rope-like elastic band on the top to help hold it in place while wearing. I am going to mock up a hat and present my findings later.

Here's to design success!
Happy Sewing,
Melodee :)