Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Winter weather is here :)

I am a rarity it seems. I am one of those "weird" people who actually like winter. I do, I really do!

I just love the cold weather and dressing warm and eating soups and stews and making warm fires in my homes fireplace.... oh the love of the winter season!

Being a person who loves the cold I am always looking for ways to make being outside more enjoyable. Because seriously let's face it, even loving winter I am not into actually being cold!

So this year I am using my sewing talents and whipping up some pretty cool things to combat the cold and keep me and my little brood out there loving the season!

Also, I am always looking for ways to reuse, recycle, upcycle, cheapcycle, you name it cycle my way along. So lookie here what I have found!!!!

First up in the winter arsenal is the hat! I found a cute, easy, and FREE pattern to print from home and whipped up this beauty using an old and loved sweater that I frankly ruined (cotton/angora and I machined dried it all the time!) many years ago but still loved it and have worn it into submission lol. I paired the this gray sweater with an old worn out blue work t-shirt of my husbands.

The pattern is over on . and has been pinned many many times over on Pinterest too :)

Follow this link to the tutorial :) It is called the  Snowy Day Hat

The only thing I " changed" was that I printed the pattern pieces then cut out ONLY the sides that need to be taped to each other (on pattern see "tape to front/back here") then drew out a half inch seam allowance BEFORE I cut the entire pattern out. And I also cut my strips for the braided ties to 2 inches wide.

Next up will be mittens...I found a free pattern to use old sweaters here too :) back to the sewing table I go.....

happy sewing all!
Melodee the snow loving weirdo ;)