Friday, May 13, 2011

The times are a's my blog

It's been quite a while since last  I blogged, summer travels will do that to a gal :o) but here I am!

I am still reading up on the ins and outs of blogging with my library book, blogging for dummies. Still not hip on the name of the book but the information is sound.

But I wanted to share the fact that I am a crazy woman and have added another WIP (work in progress) to my never ending things to create!

I am really excited about this though--kidding aside. I have joined a sew along of sorts over at the Quilting Book Club. Here I will attempt to create a quilt a month!!!! A gal just can't have too many comfy quilts around!

So far I have purchased the required book: Modern Basics by Amy Ellis from .
The first quilt the club is working on is titled Basic Ease and tonight I will be fabric shopping--don't have enough in the stash and what I do have I have used so many times I am kinda sick of it right now :o).
The weather predicted for my area is rain this weekend (for now) so my plan is to get caught up on this one...more to come...happy sewing!

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