Here I am in my newly made slouchy beret! I just love it! The instructions above were so incredibly easy and the results are just what you see! For this project I used 2 old t-shirts my hubby had given me for that t-shirt quilt--waste not! I followed the insturctions and made for myself this very handy pattern.
- I taped 4 sheets of regular copy paper together--in this case orange
- found a center point on my page and made a dot
- used the above links directions to find how large the outer circle should be and made lots of dot points that far away (in my case 6 inches) all the way around to create a circle. then connected these points to create a full circle. hard to see but check out the outer edge of my pattern
- repeated the formula for the center circle
- cut out my pattern
- then used the pattern to cut out the 2 circles needed
- *side note! it is kinda hard to see in the instructions but you will need to cut 2 circles one with the center hole and one without from both fabrics. so in the end you will have 4 pieces, two with a center hole 2 without.
- then I cut my 2 band strips folling the directions to find the correct length
- took all this to the sewing machine, used a stretch stitch stitch...and wa-la I have a very cool slouch beret that I am sporting --even to church this evening :)
Hope you try one for yourself!! It's fun and easy! Happy hat making!